Detecting a Slight Slowdown

The last couple of weeks actually passed by really fast. Festivities. Being slightly under the weather. A couple of calls. They added up, and by the time the dust settled, it was time when the Chinese New Year break was really over, and things should go back to normal.

But it did not. At least, not as quickly as I thought it would be. I have been on call for the last few Thaipusam holiday period, and those were usually really busy. Once, I had a 24-hour call with 34 admission - a record. So, when I was scheduled to do the medical call on Thaipusam eve, I was actually bracing myself for some hectic time. But, it turned out that I only had six admissions. Not too bad at all.

I ended up just chilling on the day after the call and celebrated Irfan’s birthday without interruption. Now that the week really starts, things were still relatively quiet in the ward. I still got my planned admissions and chemotherapy sessions, but the clinic looked to be quiet. I might as well enjoy the downtime while it is here. Because once things started to become busy again, I would regret not slowing down when I had the chance ...